This is a series of lectures that will be given by three or four lecturers from the involved departments. Each of the lecturers will introduce one topic (over 3-4 weeks) relevant for all participating students. Possible topics are: Quantum cryptography, particle trapping, algorithmic complexity, or mathematical optimization.
- Dozent/in: Mario Agio
- Dozent/in: Assegid Flatae
- Dozent/in: Otfried Gühne
- Dozent/in: Markus Lohrey
- Dozent/in: Rob van Stee
Limits of classical physics and signatures of quantum mechanical phenomena.
Quantum effects of light: Planck's Radiation law, photons, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Young’s double slit experiment, entanglement, quantum eraser. Wave properties of particles: Matter waves and wave functions, Schrödinger equation, interference and tunnelling, time evolution. Spin 1⁄2 particles: Stern-Gerlach experiment, directional quantization, superposition, measurement, eigenvalues and eigenstates, expectation value, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Quantum structure of atoms: Absorption and emission spectra, Franck- Hertz experiment. angular momentum, atomic structure: hydrogen atom, Zeeman effect, fine structure, hyperfine structure, electron spin resonance, emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation, selection rules, multi-electron systems, shell model, periodic table. Quantum states of light: Coherent states, Fock states, generation of non-classical light, laser theory, experimental tests of Bell inequalities.
- Dozent/in: Mario Agio

- Dozent/in: Peter Modregger
When: Winter Term 2024, Lecture: Tu. and We. 8:00 - 10:00, Exercises: Th. 8:00 - 10:00
Lecturer: Mario Agio
Assistants: Lukas Strauch
Literature: Solid-State Physics (N. Aschcroft and D. Mermin), Introduction to Solid-State Physics (C. Kittel)
Topics: Introduction to Solid-State Physics
Contents: theoretical foundations, crystal structure and reciprocal lattice, crystal binding and elasticity, phonons, Fermi gas, energy bands, semiconductors and metals, magnetism, plasmons and polaritons, dielectrics, optical properties
- Dozent/in: Mario Agio
- Dozent/in: Carsten Busse
- Dozent/in: Christian Gutt
- Dozent/in: Peter Modregger

Blended Mobility is a project course unit where an international multidisciplinary team of students develop a solution during a semester for a challenge proposed by a company.
Blended Mobility 2022/2023 Edition in Orléans, France
- Dozent/in: Omar Gamal Abd Elghany Abd Elrazeq
- Dozent/in: Hubert Roth
- Dozent/in: Oscar Cata

Where: University of Siegen, EN Campus, Lecture: Room EN D-120, Exercises: Room EN B-30
When: Winter Term 2024, Lecture: Tu. 14:00 - 16:00, Exercises: Th. 12:00 - 14:00
Lecturer: Mario Agio
Literature: Principles of Nano-Optics (L. Novotny and B. Hecht), Molecular Scattering and Fluorescence in Strongly-Confined Optical Fields (M. Agio)
Topics: Introduction to Nano-Optics
Contents: theoretical foundations, propagation and focusing of optical fields, resolution and localisation, nano-scale optical microscopy, optical interactions and quantum emitters, photonic crystals, surface plasmon polaritons, optical antennas, optical forces
- Dozent/in: Mario Agio
Seminar with student talks about new topics in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Discussion. 15 pages written summary. Lecture from the elective module catalogue or Nanotechnology or Quantum theory.
- Dozent/in: Mario Agio

- Dozent/in: Prerana Chakrabarti
- Dozent/in: Peter Modregger
- Dozent/in: Özgül Öztürk