This course explores the variety of current theoretical and political debates on governance, democracy and globalisation. It explores the historicity of the concepts of democracy and governance and their relation with the state, by interrogating its foundations to understand the current challenges posed by globalisation(s) to the historicity of the articulation between democracy and the spatialities and temporalities of the nation state.

The concept of globalisation is analysed having regard of the theoretical debates and the different positions on the meaning of globalisation(s). Grounded on a complexity analytical perspective the variety of phenomena associated to globalisation and the complex ways they relate are observed. Therefore the heterogeneity and complexity of globalisation phenomena are considered and the implications of their economic, political, cultural, social and environmental dimensions to debates on democracy are explained.

Finally, the debates on the possibilities of the extension of democratic control beyond and below the nation state are considered, focusing the local and global dimensions of democratic governance and the complex ways they relate.