This fifth installment of the lecture series on the history of the major genres in English literature is going to provide a survey of the rise of the novel in England the early eighteenth century up to the first decades of the nineteenth century. In terms of periods, the lecture is going to cover in depth the Enlightenment and Romanticism, investigating not only the works of chief English canonical novelists such as Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson and Laurence Sterne, but also considering the contribution of, by now, canonical female writers such as Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood or Frances Burney. Of course, the Gothic novel, with its various facets, will also feature in the latter part of the lecture).

Students in the BA-LKM programme who take this lecture for Module 1.2 also have to take one of the courses "Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies" (Module 1.1) during this term and finish Module 1 with a written exam covering both courses.