This course is going to examine a selection of movies looking at the Middle Ages from a very conscious contemporary perspective. The movies go beyond a "mere" representation of the past but rather consciously appear to attempt to bridge the gap between our present and the alterity discerned in what one construes as the Middle Ages. Our interest will therefore lie with an analysis of various modes of explicitly constructing a notion of the Middle Ages, of visually presenting this construction in a medial form that aims at a wide and popular reception, and of thus establishing a dialogue between the present and the past, in which the present not only constructs the past, but in which our notion of the past also reflects back on our perception of the present.

The selection of movies and TV series to be considered in class will range from Monty Python and the Holy Grail to The 13th Warrior, A Knight's Tale, Brave, King Arthur (starring Clive Owen) and the History Channel series Vikings. Further suggestions by students who are interested in taking the course are welcome - just contact the instructor beforehand, and we can see whether your suggestion fits the format.

Student contributions will consist in expert contributions (sessions or handouts) to individual films or background information.

Further details will be notified in the course of the term break, while the course design is being completed.